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Pupil Premium Strategy

  1. Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

  1. Academy overview



 Academy name

Co-op Academy Smithies Moor

Number of pupils in academy


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)

2021 - 2024

Date this statement was published

November 2023

Date on which it will be reviewed


Statement authorised by


Pupil premium lead

Catherine Brackenbury

Governor / Trustee lead

Linda Walton

  1. Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


  1. Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

  2. Statement of intent

Statement of intent

Co-op Academy Smithies Moor has an increasing percentage of pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding. From 2021 to November 2023 the percentage has increased from 39% to 45% indicating that more of our pupils are facing disadvantage year on year. We continue to be determined that we will empower our pupils so that they have the opportunity to make a positive contribution to society. With the aim of improving pupils’ life chances we are passionate about giving our pupils opportunities outside of their usual experiences and environment. To this end, we spend 50% of the Pupil Premium grant on improving the quality of educational offer pupils receive through curriculum development and quality assurance. Professional development for our teaching staff is a fundamental part of this.

For most of our pupils, developing a rich vocabulary is a high priority in order to develop confidence in sharing their own thoughts and opinions with others. We expect children to engage actively in lessons and to develop a strong work ethic. Learning about careers and employability is a key focus running throughout the curriculum. Our children will have ambition and high aspirations for their futures. Each child’s capacity to see possibilities in the world will be developed—their horizons broadened. Children will know that their aspirations will be reached through hard work and determination. Our intention is that, when children leave Smithies Moor, they do so with the knowledge, understanding and emotional regulation to be able to play an active role in today’s society. We want our children to have high aspirations, a belief in themselves and realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it. These are the principles which underpin our curriculum development and, hence, our Pupil Premium spending.

As a Co-op school we strive to ensure our children develop a strong sense of: self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.

Self help – so that children learn how to empower themselves and by doing this have an insight into how they can contribute positively to society.

Self-responsibility – so that they know the importance of taking responsibility for, and answering to their own actions.

Democracy and equality – so they begin to understand the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.

Equity and solidarity – so that they know how important it is to hear every individual’s voice.

Our pupils premium strategy plan works towards achieving these objectives by providing all pupils who access the pupil premium grant with high quality teaching and learning alongside a well sequenced and ambitious curriculum offer. This has a key focus on early reading and key knowledge so that pupils know and understand more over time.

We acknowledge that some pupils need extra opportunities to practise, rehearse and revisit core knowledge including language, vocabulary, reading and number work. As well as offering high quality teaching and learning, our pupil premium strategy plan includes details of targeted academic support, including for those pupils who are in the lowest attaining 20% and are not yet achieving ARE. The targeted academic support focuses on raising pupils’ attainment through small groups and one:one intervention. Therefore, we allocate a quarter of our Pupil Premium funding to enable small group interventions and tuition to take place.

Through our curriculum, we prioritise pupils’ moral development. We are passionate about our children having the courage to make the right moral choices, regardless of who is watching.

At the heart of our curriculum, our children will have opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding in order to show tolerance of others beliefs, religions and life choices. Our children will be kind. They will show empathy  and compassion and above all they will have the integrity to make a positive contribution to the world around them. Our children will have healthy minds, showing they are emotionally happy and resilient learners and they will stay true to themselves, valuing their own identity. They will learn how to build positive, respectful relationships with other people. We are acutely aware that, if pupils do not have good attendance rates, they will not benefit from our educational offer and their chances of future success will be limited. Therefore, a quarter of our Pupil Premium funding is allocated to supporting pupils and their families to attend well, and to pupils’ social and emotional well-being.

  1. Challenges

  2. This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Risk of low pupil outcomes in reading, writing and maths at achieving age related expectations- linked to legacy of special measure and Covid.


Engagement with the academy -cases of low attendance and above average persistent absenteeism.


Development of wellbeing-  Individual social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH) as well as physical needs


Very low starting points  which means pupils have skills and abilities that are generally below those typical for their age.


Limited access to wider experiences within the community; extra curricular opportunities, visits and aspirational influences and role models.

  1. Intended outcomes

  2. This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Increase the proportions of pupils achieving ARE in all areas.

Pupils across school achieve well, including EYFS, KS1 and KS2 who are pupil premium will achieve their target set out by Trust (informed by FFT Aspire) or beyond

Reducing the attainment difference between pupil premium and national others.

Diminishing the difference snapshots show that pupils accessing the pupil premium grant have raised attainment.

Progress of pupils becomes average or above at the end of KS2.

Progress scores improve from being below ‘average’ . 0 or above

Pupils have experienced an extended offer from the academy through extra-curricular, educational visits and careers related learning.

All pupils have had the opportunity to be part of extra-curricular clubs.

All pupils have had the opportunity to attend educational visits.

All pupils have had a visit, visitor or experience related to future careers.

Increase the proportion of parents/carers actively engaging with their child’s education.

Number of parents attending parents’ evenings increases.

Number of parents attending parental workshops increases.

Number of parents reading at home with their child increases.

On the Your Voice Survey the response score to the statement ‘I often talk about my school work with people at home’ increases. (6.4)

Good attendance for disadvantaged pupils (and reduced rates of persistent absence)

Disadvantaged pupils’ attendance rates and rates of persistent absence are at least in line with disadvantaged pupils nationally.

  1. Activity in this academic year

  2. This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.
  3. Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost

£ 70,000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Ensure all relevant staff (including new staff) have received paid-for training to deliver the phonics scheme effectively RWInc consultant

DfE guidance on reading

EEF research on Phonics

1, 4

Joint monitoring and support with RWI Consultants

Phonics monitoring and evaluation by subject leader

EEF  research on Phonics

DfE guidance on reading

1, 4

Ensure all relevant staff (including new staff) have the knowledge they need to deliver the reading curriculum effectively

EEF Research on reading comprehension

1, 4

All staff have the knowledge they need to deliver a high quality curriculum ensuring teaching and learning is at least good

1, 2,3,4,5

Monitoring of reading offer by subject leader

Research on reading comprehension


Recruitment of an additional teacher - Executive KS2 teacher to support the development of good quality first teaching.

EEF Research


Development of curriculum to promote careers and aspirations (see CRL development plan)


Ensure teaching identifies and addresses pupils’ gaps in learning


Purchase quality maths resources and online CPD linked to Whiterose maths


Subscriptions  to online app and programs


  1. Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost

£ 34295


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Tutor Trust Private Tuition Maths for 24 Year 6 (students 1: 3 and 15 hours).

EEF research on small group tuition


 PETXi three day intensive Maths course for Year 6 students


Small group interventions for reading, writing and maths for disadvantaged pupils falling behind age-related expectations

EEF  research on Phonics

DfE guidance on reading

EEF research on TA interventions


Small group interventions for reading, writing and maths for disadvantaged pupils falling behind age-related expectations including SHINE interventions

EEF research on TA interventions

EEF  research on Phonics

DfE guidance on reading


Speech and language therapy and interventions- WELLCOMM and BUZZ therapist


Smaller class sizes (year 6)


Delivery of quality RWI and Fresh Start interventions and Fast Track tutoring

EEF  research on Phonics

DfE guidance on reading


  1. Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost

£ 34, 270


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Residential visits as part of the curriculum offer for UKS2 - Robinwood (Y6) Cliffe House (Y5) and Jamie’s Farm (Y5 and Y6)


Visits or visitors are part of the curriculum offer including: museums, galleries, libraries, parks, gardens, higher education institutes and workplaces


Monitoring and analysis of pupils’ engagement in and commitment to extracurricular offer and educational enhancements inc educational visits.


Pastoral support is in place to ensure the wellbeing, safety and behaviour for learning of pupils allowing them to be ready to learn


Reduce persistent absenteeism/ link to Senior Learning Mentor/  attendance officer, home visits and data analysis.


Free daily breakfast club for PP children with poor attendance/ PA (inc free breakfast grant application with Kelloggs and National breakfast prgramme)


Talk and Toast for all PP children to have enrichment social time over daily breakfast time.


Increase the parental engagement with the academy through welcome meetings, workshops, information evenings, parents’ evening and the availability of a safe space


  1. Total budgeted cost

Total budgeted cost


  1. Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

  2. Pupil premium strategy outcomes

  3. This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2022 to 2023 academic year.

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

Disadvantaged pupils’ attainment and progress improved significantly in 2022-23 at KS2. The progress of disadvantaged pupils at the end of KS2 was significant and is an indicator that the continued focus on high quality teaching in the first instance is having a positive impact on our pupils the longer they are with us. The improvement in outcomes is indicative of the drive Co-op Academy Smithies Moor has to continue to improve the life chances for all pupils - but particularly those with the additional challenge of disadvantage. There is still work to do in KS1 to further close the gap between pupil premium and non.


Pupils achieving GLD at the end of reception class in Summer 2023.

All pupils : 65%

Non Disadvantaged: 66%  (18 pupils)

Disadvantaged: 50% ( 2 pupils)

Year 1 phonics

Summer Phonics data shows that 81% (22/27) passed the Phonics Screening Checks in June 2023. This increased from the previous year from 54%. For those pupils that are regular attenders, the ‘Fast Track’ phonics intervention programme has had a positive impact.  

Year 2 phonics

Summer phonics data shows that 92% cumulatively passed the phonics screening which is an increase from the previous year. The percentage of disadvantaged pupils who cumulatively passed the Phonics Screening Checks 2023 was 89%

End of KS1 outcomes

All pupils

Disadvantaged pupils










End of KS2 outcomes


Disadvantaged -EXS +

progress ALL

progress Disadvantaged



















Attendance data - All pupils 2022-23 attendance - 90.58%

                              Pupil premium children attendance - 88.92%

Pupil premium children have access to extracurricular clubs and activities. These have been led by staff internally or by external services such as Legacy Dance and Multi-skills. Educational visits, including the Year 6 residential, were funded so that no child was unable to attend due to their disadvantaged circumstances. Further activities and visits will continue throughout the next academic year, ensuring every child has equal opportunities.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement