LIVE - Home school agreement Policy 2023/24docx
Home Academy Agreement 2024-25
At Co-op Academy Smithies Moor we are committed to developing a positive partnership between home and school. We provide a safe and caring environment for all our community. We challenge and support all our pupils to be the best that they can be and provide them with the foundations to be successful in school and beyond.
To achieve this our staff will:
- have high expectations of themselves and others in their daily work and for their future
- work hard to reduce educational disadvantage by providing engaging, challenging, well planned teaching that enables children to develop as confident learners
- ensure teaching provides opportunities for children to develop and demonstrate the characteristics of a good learner
- provide a curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils’ academic, physical, social and provide appropriate home learning opportunities.
- support emotional development and wellbeing
- teach children the importance of right and wrong and help them develop as caring and responsible citizens
- teach children how to keep themselves safe and healthy
- treat children with respect regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ability, disability
- apply cooperative and ethical values in all our work
Our children will:
- come to school every day (unless ill)
- follow the pupil code of conduct and work hard
- have high expectations of themselves and others in their daily work and for their future
- be resilient and understand that sometimes things are difficult but that hard work and perseverance will be rewarded with success
- respect themselves, each other, our school and our world
Our parents and carers will:
- share any concerns or worries that affect children’s learning, health, social and emotional wellbeing
- ensure their child attends school on time every day (unless ill).
- ensure their child comes equipped and prepared to learn in full school uniform and with their PE/Swimming kit on the days it is needed.
- ensure their child/children completes their home learning, homework and supports daily reading activities.
- play an active part in the life of the academy, joining in events, special assemblies, celebrations, parents’ evenings and information events to work with the academy to support children’s academically and their wellbeing.
- support and help their child/children to follow the pupil code of conduct and develop as caring and responsible citizens.
- accept and support the school’s policies including the consequences their child/children may receive.
- support and encourage their child/children to work hard and try their best
- help staff prepare children to enter their next stage of schooling with confidence and excitement.
I have read and understood the contents of the agreements as listed above and agree to the terms of the Home Academy Agreement.
Parent/Carer Signature _________________________________________Date____________
Parent/Carer name in BLOCKCAPITALS___________________________________________
Child’s Signature ____________________________________________ Date______________
Child’s name in BLOCK CAPITALS________________________________________________
School Signature Date September 2024
Thank you for taking time to complete the home-school agreement.
Please return the whole agreement back to the academy by Friday 27th September 2024