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LIVE - Smithies Moor Charging-and-Remissions-Annex (2)

Charging and Remissions policy 2022-2023

Policy created: November 2022

Review date: November 2023

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Co-op Academies Trust Charges and Remissions Policy. Outlined below are the individual Academy charges and remissions for Co-op Academy Smithies Moor, which are in line with the Trusts policy: Charges and Remissions - Co-op Academies 

The Education Act 1996 prohibits a school from charging students/parents for activities carried out as part of the normal school curriculum. There are, however, certain ‘borderline’ areas where the policy of the school needs explaining:

Activity that may be charged for Explanation 

Breakfast Club

These sessions run before are chargeable for families who wish to use them.

This is so that staffing, food and drink can be


Charges will be made for the

The charge will not exceed the actual cost and

board and lodging component of

where possible the academy seeks to source

residential trips.

additional funding to reduce these costs for


Day Visits / Trips                           Requests for voluntary contributions will be made to ensure that a variety of trips can take place.

Charges will/may be made for

For example, Cooking club, where the children

any materials, books,

take food home to share.

instruments, or equipment, which

is related to an after school club

and the parent wishes their child

to own them.

There are circumstances where these charges will not be made, as follows:

where charging would cause further financial hardship to families; where the activity has been recommended by school;

where the activity is done as part of safeguarding or attendance procedures; where exclusion from the activity would cause potential distress to a child or put them at a disadvantage;

where a child is the child of a member of staff who has been asked to work beyond their normal hours;

where attendance at an activity is mandatory.